In 2021, despite the obstacles associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, we managed, together with our British partner Shenton Group, to deliver a very interesting and complex project in Northampton for Butcher‘s, a dog food manufacturer. The primary objective for the end customer was to reduce the cost of its highly energy intensive operation through cogeneration technology.
With many years of experience in this field, our partner offered Butcher’s Pet Care comprehensive services in the form of an EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) project, this included design, installation, as well as all electrical and civils works. Shenton Group now also provides regular maintenance support for the entire technology.
In addition to the TEDOM Quanto 1600 natural gas-fired CHP unit with an electrical output of 1560 kWe, other equipment such as a switchboard, transformer and steam boiler with exhaust gas recovery have been installed to enable the potential of the entire system to be utilised to the maximum.
Another major challenge was that the installation had to be carried out without interrupting the actual production which had to be operational throughout the installation. Therefore, backup generators were used during the changeover to the new power supply, and the entire installation was carried out in a very short period of time.
Selected references and case studies