CHP units are significantly more efficient than the coal-fired power plants. They burn coal to produce electric power with an efficiency of around 35-40% and high CO2 emissions. In contrast, CHP units produce the power and heat from a single source achieving efficiencies of over 90% and minimizing a heat loss. This reduces CO2 emissions per the unit of power and heat produced which is crucial to reducing the environmental impact and increasing the energy sustainability.
By generating the power and heat from a single fuel, CHP units increase their energy efficiency and reduce the need for fossil fuels. This significantly reduces the greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional energy sources, including CO2, which is a major cause of global warming. CHP units reduce the energy waste and dependence on traditional energy sources, contributing to sustainability and environmental protection.
The exhaust heat exchanger is an optional part of the CHP unit that serves to increase the overall energy efficiency. Its main function is to utilize the warm waste exhaust gases generated in the electric power generation process and convert them into a hot water or air. In this way, the heat loss is minimized and the overall energy efficiency of the system is increased. The exhaust heat exchangers thus contribute to the sustainability and efficiency of the gen-set.
A CHP unit is an energy device that simultaneously produces electric power and hot water from a single source (fuels may vary: natural gas, different types of biogas, etc.). This process uses the waste heat generated by the electric power generation, thereby increasing efficiency and reducing energy costs. CHP units find applications in many areas where they help to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, the flexibility of their operation makes the CHP units crucial for the modern energy sector as they complement well with RSE.
We speak of trigeneration when the CHP unit is supplemented by a dry cooler which allows the heat from cogeneration to be converted into cold. A common use of trigeneration is to produce heat in the winter months and cold in the summer. In addition, however, simultaneous production of all the three forms of energy at the same time is also possible. Trigeneration can be operated wherever there are requirements for the supply of cold. For example, for the air conditioning of the production or office premises, but also for the production of the process cold.